Adrenal Gland

Normal Adrenal Gland Size as a Function of Age¹

Adrenal Gland: Sonographic features of normal adrenal glands versus age²


  1. Oppenheimer DA, Carroll BA, Yousem S. Sonography of the normal neonatal adrenal gland. Radiology 146:157-160, January 1983 Diagram used with permission for this Website.

  2. Kangarloo H, Diament MJ, Gold RH, et al. Sonography of adrenal glands in neonates and children: changes in appearance with age. J Clin ultrasound. 1986; 14: 43-47. (modified)

Ovários e útero


Normal Ovarian Size as a Function of Age

*ovarian volume = 0.523 x length x width x depth (ml)

**> 80% ovaries seen over age 5 years2



>80% of girls 1 day to 24 months.

<70% of girls between 2 and 12 years.

macrocysts (>9mm) may be seen in <20% of cystic ovaries.1

Small cysts are seen in more than 80% of patients older than 5 years of age (mean <7.5 mm).

Cysts were seen in 68% of premenarcheal 2 to 12 year olds, 90 -95% of which were < 9mm (mean 6 mm).

Ovarian Volume correlated with Age5


  1. Cohen HL, Shapiro MA, Mandel FS, Shapiro ML. Normal ovaries in neonates and infants: a sonographic study of 77 patients 1 day to 24 months old. AJR 1993; 160: 583-586.

  2. Orsini LF, Salardi S, Pilu G, et al. Pelvic organs in premenarcheal girls: real-time ultrasonography. Radiology 1984; 153:113-116.

  3. Cohen HL, Tice HM, Mandel FS. Ovarian volumes measured by US: bigger than we think. Radiology 1990. 177:189-92.

  4. Siegel MJ. Pediatric Sonography. Raven Press: New York. 1995. pp 438

  5. Ivarsson S-A, Nilsson KO, Persson P-H. Ultrasonography of the pelvic organs in prepubertal and postpubertal girls. Arch Dis Child 1983, 58, 352-354 (Used with permission from BMJ Publishing Group)

Ovaries Tanner Score

Ovaries & Uterus Correlated with Tanner Score¹

Upper Curve = uterine volume

Lower curve = ovarian volume


  1. Ivarsson S-A, Nilsson KO, Persson P-H. Ultrasonography of the pelvic organs in prepubertal and postpubertal girls. Arch Dis Child 1983, 58, 352-354 (Used with permission from BMJ Publishing Group)

Ovarian Doppler

*flow detectable in 90% of adolescents

*arterial flow can be detected occasionally in twisted adnexa


  1. Siegel MJ. Pediatric Sonography 2nd Edition. Raven Press, New York 1995, p 440-441, 458.

Renal Ultrasound

Renal Ultrasound Measurements

Graph of Normal Renal Volume vs Weight1

Length vs Age1


  1. Han BK, Babcock DS. Sonographic measurements and appearance of normal kidneys in children. AJR 1985; 145(3):611-616. Tables used with permission.


Normal Size of the Testicle as a Function of Age

Volume testicular


  1. Cassorla Fg, Golden SM, Johnsonbaugh RD, et al. Testicular volume during early infancy. J Pediatrics 1981; 99:742-743.

  2. Daniel WA Jr, Feinstein RA, Howard-Peebles P, et al. Testicular volumes of adolescents. J Pediatrics 1982; 101:1010-1012.

  3. Krone KD, Carroll BA. Scrotal ultrasound. Radiol Clin North Am 1985; 23:121-139.

  4. Siegel MJ, Pediatric Sonography, 2nd Ed. 1995 Raven Press

  5. Atkinson GO, Patrick LE, Ball TI, et al. The normal and abnormal scrotum in children: evaluation with color doppler sonography. AJR 1992;158:613-617

  6. Kaplan SA. Clinical pediatric & adolescent endocrinology. W.B. Saunders. p. 307-308

Graph of Testicular Volume by Chronological Age¹


Testicular volume < 5 ml can be considered as infantile¹


  1. Rundle AT, Sylvester PE. Measurement of Testicular Volume. It's application to assessment of maturation, and its use in diagnosis of hypogonadism. Arch Dis Child 37:514-517, 1962 (Permission requested from publisher: BMJ Publishing Group)

Testicle-Tanner Score

Testicular Volume correlated with Tanner Score ¹

(based on external physical measurement of length and width)


  1. Daniel WA, Feinstein RA, Howard-Peebles P, Baxley WD. Clinical and laboratory observations. Testicular volumes of adolescents. J Peds Dec 1982:1010-1012 (Modified: Permission requested from publisher)

Testicular Doppler

Doppler Flow in Testes*¹

Testicular Volume

< 1 cc

> 1 cc

% detectable color flow

70 (capsular arteries)

40 (central arteries)

+/- 100 (central & capsular)

* waveforms typically low resistance, high diastolic flow

compare for symmetry

lack of flow may be due to gain settings/high wall filter/high PRF etc²


  1. Atkinson GO, Patrick LE, Ball TI, et al. The normal and abnormal scrotum in children: evaluation with color doppler sonography. AJR 1992;158:613-617

  2. Siegel MJ, Pediatric Sonography, 2nd Ed. 1995 Raven Press


Normal Uterine Appearance and Dimensions

*neonatal uterus regresses to about 2.5 cm at 1 month1

+After 7 years of age, there is uterine growth4

Neonatal uterus: 30% of neonatal uteri have a hypoechoic halo surrounding the endometrial canal, which is thought to represent the inner third of the myometrium, which is vascularly engorged1.

Uterine Volume correlated with Age2


  1. Nussbaum AR, Sanders RC, Jones MD. Neonatal uterine morphology as seen on real-time US. Radiology 1986; 160: 641-643.

  2. Ivarsson SA, Nilsson KO, Persson PH. Ultrasonography of the pelvic organs in prepubertal and postpubertalgirls. Arch Dis Child. 1983; 58:352-354. (Used with permission from BMJ Publishing Group)

  3. Sample W, Lippe B, Gyepes M. Gray scale ultrasonography of the normal female pelvis. Radiology 1977; 125:477-483.

  4. Orsini LF, Salardi S, Pilu G, et al. Pelvic organs in premenarcheal girls: real-time ultrasonography. Radiology 1984; 153: 113-116.

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Uterus-Tanner Score

Ovaries & Uterus Correlated with Tanner Score¹

Upper Curve = uterine volume

Lower curve = ovarian volume


  1. Ivarsson S-A, Nilsson KO, Persson P-H. Ultrasonography of the pelvic organs in prepubertal and postpubertal girls. Arch Dis Child 1983, 58, 352-354 (Used with permission from BMJ Publishing Group)

Urinary Bladder

Volume Calculation:

V = (H x W x D) X 0.625 mL¹

H=height, W= width, D=depth

Volume by age = (age in years + 2) x 30 mL

Bladder wall thickness*²

*(ages 1 day to 19 years)

Site of measurement:

Sagittal plane: posterior inferior wall (away from rectum)

Transverse plane: lateral to trigone


  1. Haken berg OW, Ryall RL, Langlois SL, et al: The estimation of bladder volume by sonocystography. J Urol 1983; 130:249-251

  2. Jequier S, Rousseau O. Sonographic measurements of the normal bladder wall in children. AJR 149:563-566, Sep 1987